解压payload 使用payloaddumper python或者可执行都可以
解压super分区 如果是多个文件 (_sparsechunk.*) 要simg2img 直接加*通配符
如果是ext fat之类的直接挂载
ubuntu下安装gnome的磁盘软件 disks 之类的 右键就能挂载
如果不是标准的img 双击不可以挂 则mkdir /mnt/文件夹
mount 镜像 /mnt/文件夹
如果是spilit image 就要用simg2img
编译magisk源码 在
native/obj/debug-nolibc/local/<architure> 下面
MagiskBoot - Boot Image Modification Tool
Usage: magiskboot <action> [args...]
Supported actions:
unpack [-n] [-h] <bootimg>
Unpack <bootimg> to its individual components, each component to
a file with its corresponding file name in the current directory.
Supported components: kernel, kernel_dtb, ramdisk.cpio, second,
dtb, extra, and recovery_dtbo.
By default, each component will be decompressed on-the-fly.
If '-n' is provided, all decompression operations will be skipped;
each component will remain untouched, dumped in its original format.
If '-h' is provided, the boot image header information will be
dumped to the file 'header', which can be used to modify header
configurations during repacking.
Return values:
0:valid 1:error 2:chromeos
repack [-n] <origbootimg> [outbootimg]
Repack boot image components using files from the current directory
to [outbootimg], or 'new-boot.img' if not specified. Current directory
should only contain required files for [outbootimg], or incorrect
[outbootimg] may be produced.
<origbootimg> is the original boot image used to unpack the components.
By default, each component will be automatically compressed using its
corresponding format detected in <origbootimg>. If a component file
in the current directory is already compressed, then no addition
compression will be performed for that specific component.
If '-n' is provided, all compression operations will be skipped.
If env variable PATCHVBMETAFLAG is set to true, all disable flags in
the boot image's vbmeta header will be set.
verify <bootimg> [x509.pem]
Check whether the boot image is signed with AVB 1.0 signature.
Optionally provide a certificate to verify whether the image is
signed by the public key certificate.
Return value:
0:valid 1:error
sign <bootimg> [name] [x509.pem pk8]
Sign <bootimg> with AVB 1.0 signature.
Optionally provide the name of the image (default: '/boot').
Optionally provide the certificate/private key pair for signing.
If the certificate/private key pair is not provided, the AOSP
verity key bundled in the executable will be used.
extract <payload.bin> [partition] [outfile]
Extract [partition] from <payload.bin> to [outfile].
If [outfile] is not specified, then output to '[partition].img'.
If [partition] is not specified, then attempt to extract either
'init_boot' or 'boot'. Which partition was chosen can be determined
by whichever 'init_boot.img' or 'boot.img' exists.
<payload.bin> can be '-' to be STDIN.
hexpatch <file> <hexpattern1> <hexpattern2>
Search <hexpattern1> in <file>, and replace it with <hexpattern2>
cpio <incpio> [commands...]
Do cpio commands to <incpio> (modifications are done in-place).
Each command is a single argument; add quotes for each command.
See "cpio --help" for supported commands.
dtb <file> <action> [args...]
Do dtb related actions to <file>.
See "dtb --help" for supported actions.
split [-n] <file>
Split image.*-dtb into kernel + kernel_dtb.
If '-n' is provided, decompression operations will be skipped;
the kernel will remain untouched, split in its original format.
sha1 <file>
Print the SHA1 checksum for <file>
Cleanup the current working directory
compress[=format] <infile> [outfile]
Compress <infile> with [format] to [outfile].
<infile>/[outfile] can be '-' to be STDIN/STDOUT.
If [format] is not specified, then gzip will be used.
If [outfile] is not specified, then <infile> will be replaced
with another file suffixed with a matching file extension.
Supported formats: gzip zopfli xz lzma bzip2 lz4 lz4_legacy lz4_lg
decompress <infile> [outfile]
Detect format and decompress <infile> to [outfile].
<infile>/[outfile] can be '-' to be STDIN/STDOUT.
If [outfile] is not specified, then <infile> will be replaced
with another file removing its archive format file extension.
Supported formats: gzip zopfli xz lzma bzip2 lz4 lz4_legacy lz4_lg
兼容性极强! 能刷magisk的机子约等于能用
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